We accpet
We ship
We proudly use the following Software: |
Adobe Illustrator 2023 |
AutoCad 2023 |
AutoCad Electrical 2023 |
Cimatron E16 |
Corel Draw 2023 |
Encapsulated PostScript 2023 |
Solidworks 2023 |
AFM Engineering makes a plug for plug
replacement Control Box for the Franklin Digital Box
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This Control box replaces the Franklin Digital box
with no wiring. Just unplug the old box and plug in the new one! It can also
replace the Analog Box with minimal wiring.
Included in Box:
- Omron Digital Temperature Control with Solid State Relay.
- Keyence Microprocessor with user interface.
- Control for electric motor foil feed.
User Interface Controls are:
- Print dwell time.
- Foil pull delay time.
- Foil pull time.
- Part counter.
Unofficial Site produced and maintained by AFM Engineering Inc. Santa Ana CA |